Can a farewell ever be easy ?

We have spent more than 9 years with you

We have shared countless memories with you

You have been part of the happiness we shared, the sorrows we went through, the hearty laughter that we had, the fights, the debates and what not

You have been a great companion and ever supportive

You have been extremely loyal

There was nothing that we could complain about you

You have given us more than we could ask you for

You gifted us the pleasures and luxuries that we haven’t experienced before

And when it was time to bid you bye, I couldn’t resist myself from recollecting with V, the precious bond that we developed over the years

And when I mentioned this recollection to A, I saw tears forming in her eyes

Can a farewell ever be easy ?

I am sure you would give lots of beautiful memories to your new companions and would receive great warmth from them too

Good Bye Dear Ford !!!

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